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Showing posts from April, 2014

Peace Within

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. We think that the answers to prayer can only be yes or no.  I've even heard an interpretation of God's answers to prayer as  "yes" and "wait a while".  That doesn't seem quite right to me either.  As I read this verse, it makes me think that the answer to prayer is completely irrelevant.  Paul says "present your requests to God" and then his very next statement is, "And the peace of God…will guard your hearts and minds".  Paul says nothing about the answer to the prayer, not 'And He will give you all of your requests' or 'pray harder and God will do as you ask'.  No.  Paul's statement is simply paraphrased, talk to God about what you desire and He will give you...

The Mystery of Christ

Colossians 4:3-4 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clear, as I should. This is Paul's statement and yet I am thinking the exact same thing.  I have been running the lyrics of a praise song in my head too.  "As we enter into this mystery, overwhelmed by the power of your grace. Lead us on great Herald of our victory, to our home where we stand face to face."  This verse coupled with these lyrics are truly where I am today.  This journey is a mystery.  The peace we feel.  The joy in Christ.  The waiting.  The sadness of what may be.  The hope of a miracle.  The strength for today.  The glory we see.  The grace bestowed.  I don't know that I can adequately explain how all of this can be or how it feels.  I do know who it's from and who it's through.  Jesus Christ.  He is alive and...

A Deeper Presence

Lord, I am so thankful for the portion you pour out on days when I need it most.  Thank you for your attention to detail and your knowledge in preparation of what is coming ahead.  The care you take as you provide exactly what I need at exactly the right moment is overwhelming.  I praise you for the way you bring peace, joy, and comfort into each moment of my day.  May you bless those around me who show your compassion.  May you be with those who are in their own worlds of struggle.  Father we know that we are not alone and that many others suffer in their own way.  So, Father, I pray that today you would pour your Spirit into those hurting souls and that your Presence would be very real to them today.  Let them know you at a deeper level on this day.  Amen.

Strength and Peace

Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. What a beautiful verse!  The truth that rings in these words is powerful.  We are given strength through the one who has the power to kill and destroy, but chooses to love and heal because that is who He is.  When we receive strength from him, it builds up and makes whole those that are broken.  In the same way, His peace is bestowed on us in the midst of the storm.  The chaos of life that ensues is no match for the One who calms the wind and the waves.  If you have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, all you have to do is ask for His strength and His peace and He will give it freely.  The peace that passes all understanding is available to you in Christ Jesus, if you'll just ask.  Ask Him into your life and then let Him get to work.  I assure you that you will experience a greater strength and a deeper peace than you've ever kno...

"Delivered From Death or Through It"

Isaiah 57:1 The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. I'll bet that's never the answer you'd expect to get when asking the question, "Why?", when someone passes away.  It is fascinating to me that this is the verse I was drawn to today.  I have been struggling with Mom's situation the last few days.  I have moments where I am doing just fine and then others where I feel so sad.  I know that is to be expected.  The journey is tough, I will not hide it.  The beauty in all of this is that there is someone in my life big enough to handle all of my emotion attached to it.  He cares and he knows.  I think we are all pondering in our hearts the perishing of the righteous at this time.  Hmm…this was not the answer I was expecting today.  I still have hope for a miracle in all of this, although maybe I need to think differe...

Out of the Overflow

Father, today a prayer of thanksgiving from a heart overflowing with gratitude for the support you have put in place for my life.  Not only have you given your Son for me and given your Spirit to me, but you have also provided me with family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, co-workers, and countless others who make my life joyful.  I thank you for the way you work and move in, around, and through the people in my life and ask for you to be near each of them this day.  I pray that I can give back to them out of the overflow of my heart.  You are good, Lord.  And You are so good to me.  Thank you.  

Comfort for the Brokenhearted

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I asked for a verse of comfort today and this is what I got.  It is absolutely perfect.  There is so much truth in this little verse and I have felt the fullness of its meaning today.  I don't know that I have any profound words to share, but just that this is a difficult journey day.  I have felt the Lord so very close and I know it is because He truly cares for His people.  God has shown the extent of all of His attributes throughout this journey, and today He has shown His deep compassion.  "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." - 2 Corinthians 4:7-9

All or Nothing

Luke 17:6 He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you." Bear with my flow of thought writing style today. :-)  When the apostles asked Jesus to "increase our faith", this was his response.  It's odd to me.  Following this statement, Jesus goes into a story about a servant doing what he is asked and not getting thanks for doing what is expected.  It's all a little confusing to me to put together.  So, it's not about having "big" faith, it's not about doing the right things.  However, right after the servant story, then he tells the parable of healing the ten lepers. The one that returns he tells him his "faith has healed" him.  So it is about faith?  The next section is about having the kingdom of God "in you".  He explains that the kingdom of God is not here nor there, but inside us.  I can see why the a...

Redemption and Restoration

2 Samuel 14:14 Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die.  But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him. The woman spoke these words to King David in regards to his son who had fled because he killed his brother.  We won't go into all of that, but it's a shocking read, to say the least.  Anyway, this is the verse that spoke to me.  Even in the Old Testament people knew who God was and knew that he was in the redemption business.  All God has ever wanted is for us to be with Him, as close as He and Adam and Eve were in Eden.  Since the fall, He has been working to get closer and closer, until the ultimate gift of closeness that He sent in Christ Jesus.  Now He can live in us through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus.  No matter how awful we've been or what awful things we have done, God just wants to bring us home.  We, however, h...

The Spirit's Intercession

Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. I feel as though this has been my theme verse for the last few weeks.  I have no idea what to pray for.  I've been hearing from many of you the same sentiments.  "I have no words."  "Words cannot express." I appreciate the honesty in all of this.  Most times just the mere presence of a person or knowing that prayers are being said is plenty.  It's interesting how you can come to a point and not really know what to pray for or what to say.  Sometimes the hardest thing for me is when God says I can pray either way and it'll be fine, or I can choose either path and all will be well.  Those are moments of beauty as well, because I know God has complete control of all.  At this point in time, I need to be quiet long enough to let the Spirit intercede on my beha...

Cancer's Blessing

Romans 15:5-6 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I read this verse today, I am grateful.  I feel as though all of the prayers offered up for my family, in light of our recent news with Mom's cancer spreading, have given us the spirit of unity as family.  In talking with each other today, it was amazing to hear the same sentiments coming from each of us in regards to this new part of our journey.  God has been so close, so faithful, and so present in all of this.  We are blessed beyond measure to the fullness of all He has to offer.  I thought my family was close prior to this journey, but God has drawn us even nearer together in Him through this trial.  Now my prayer is that we may glorify Him with one heart and mouth, as the scripture says.  What an incredible journey ...

The Weight of Sin

John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. "It is finished."  Jesus' words from the cross.  So very powerful.  Here he is hanging on a cross, being jeered at and mocked and yet the power he shows in his silence is breathtaking.  I wonder what it felt like for him to be there at that moment.  I am sure the heaviness was unbearable, and yet he bore it.  The weight of the sin of the entire world, past, present, and future, was on him.  I can't even wrap myself around that for my own sins, let alone the sins of the world.  The perfect lamb slain for all of sinful mankind.  What an extraordinary sacrifice by the Son of God and Man…and Sunday's coming!!!

In All and Through All

Psalm 43:3 Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain to the place where you dwell. Ah, the blessing of being in the presence of God.  A prayer today… Father, we stand in need of your holiness to break through the darkness.  We need your light to shine in those places where only you can bring a glimmer of hope.  Lord, whatever your will is in the midst of all of this, may we begin to see the bigger picture as you do.  Father I pray for strength for my family, for the Spirit to dwell within bringing peace and comfort.  Lord you know the outcome, you are already there.  Prepare our hearts and minds and keep us ever hopeful in your Word.  We love you. This is all for you.  May your grace, power, and glory be evident in all and through all.  Amen.

A Moment of Respite

John 12:27-28 "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.  Father, glorify your name!" Jesus' words are powerful here.  It always amazes me to think that Jesus asked the Father to take away the cup and yet because of his incredible love for us he was willing to move forward and complete his calling.  I realize my life's calling is not nearly like Jesus' calling, nor is the extent of my sacrifice even remotely close to his.  With that said, this verse still strikes me deeply.  I want to fulfill God's calling in my life, even though at times 'my heart is troubled'.  The beauty is that I have someone living in me who knows exactly how I feel.  Jesus consoles my spirit and renews my strength and perseverance on the journey.  In him I find relief.  We all need little moments of relief within our journey.  I wonder sometimes if the last supper Jesus h...

A Living Prayer

Some days are just difficult and the only thing to draw me near and out of the turmoil is to listen to music.  This is one of those days.  Click and listen…  A Living Prayer .

The Potter's Clay

Hebrews 3:8 do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, I always find it amazing how God can speak to my soul before I even know I need His words.  As I read this passage, I find myself thinking of the testing I am experiencing now.  That refiner's fire that sometimes burns my soul to the core.  I realize God is removing all of me, so that more of Jesus shines through.  Every once in a while, I resist.  I bristle up and try to hold tight to my own thoughts and ways.  Then I read verses like this and slowly begin to feel myself release my hold.  Why is it that the times of testing are so difficult?  The times I find most difficult are those that are lengthy.  The little quick ones are easy to endure.  It is a fast moment and you let go.   The times that last are those where we fight the most.  I suppose that stands to reason.  We are holding tighter, or in some cases cl...

Rest With Him

Luke 8:25 "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.  In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this?  He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him." I'm not sure what I think of this story today.  Jesus calms the storm in Luke's version right after being awoken.  He then asks the question of disciples' faith. Their response shows how little they knew him at this point of his ministry.  I feel like sometimes that is where I am with my faith.  I am sometimes confused by what God is calling me to do and trying to figure out my part in the calling.  I don't always know how to show my faith in His plan.  I know and believe He is capable of anything, but my lack of understanding clouds my faith.  Here, this is what we see.  The disciples are amazed by Jesus' ability to calm the wind and water, and yet if they thought about the fact that all of the Earth was created through him, they would have never been afrai...

Isaiah 40:31

My mom, beautiful inside and out. Love you, Mama! Isaiah 40:31  But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. This verse is on the bracelets a gal from our church had made for my mom when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  I turned to Isaiah 40, not even realizing what I was about to read, and this is the final verse, of course.  Boy, did it stand out.  We have been on this journey for a year and a half.  Mom is currently off chemo trying to get her blood healthy enough for the next possible steps.  She is having a scan soon and I am hopeful.  I know that no matter the results of the scan, we have someone bigger in our life than any circumstance.  This verse rings true.  We have hope in the Lord, and our strength will be renewed whatever the outcome of the scan.  I am praying for a miracle because, at th...

Grandma's Words

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. When I read this verse, I am reminded of the message that my Grandma Betty wrote in the front of my Bible when she and Grandpa Lenard gave it to me for my 16th birthday.  On that page, Grandma gave me great advice saying "you will find there is an answer for every problem on these pages."  She was a woman of faith who knew Jesus personally and she wrote those words from her experience.  The way she lived her life and the way she allowed Jesus to shine through her was beautiful to see.  I've often wished she and I could have a conversation now.  My birthday was in April of that year and Grandma went to be with Jesus that June.  I have cherished that Bible and her message ever since.  But more than that, I have treasured the example she set of what it looked like to live a life with Christ.  I do look to the word for guidance.  And I have found that Jesus lights my path, ev...


I'm struggling to find a verse today.  I have read dozens of verses, looked up specific words, and prayed, but no verse is standing out to me today.  I do have a word that keeps coming back, but no verses that seem to fit it.  The word is long-suffering.  I read about patience, endurance, and perseverance, but none of these have sufficed my spiritual thirst with the word long-suffering.  As I think about what I know, I am humbled by the phrase long-suffering as I don't believe I really have a full grasp of what the term means.  I have never been in a situation of long-suffering and when I think I have, I am introduced to someone who has been there longer.  We are so quick to complain about our situation rather than to look for how our situation has impacted others or even ourselves.  I know that the times where I have felt long-suffering, I have grown deeper and those around me have been impacted.  So what is the goal in long-suffering? ...

Keeping the Peace

1 Peter 3:10 For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech." This verse today is a bit convicting.  Unfortunately sometimes I have to try hard to keep my mouth shut about things I have a strong opinion about, especially those things where my personal experiences are the source of my knowledge.  I can go for a while and keep my mouth shut, but then every once in a while it is just too much for me and I burst, so to speak.  I guess I don't know that I would say my tongue is evil or that my lips were deceitful.  As my dad would always ask in regards to having an opinion about someone, "Is it something you would say to his/her face?" If not, then I was dealing with an evil tongue and/or deceitful lips.  Unfortunately, I learned that lesson the hard way as a kid.  Now my struggle is to keep things to myself when something/someone is causing others pain or frustration and is working contrary to...

Focus on You

Psalm 35:3 Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me.  Say to my soul, "I am your salvation." I read many verses today that were all about praising you, Father.  I find it simple to praise you in your realm.  To think on you and praise you for the way you are working in your Kingdom.  My struggle today is to praise you in our work going on in the world.  I know that probably doesn't make a lot of sense, so let me try to explain my thinking.  My job is about you.  Everything I do, I do for you and your Kingdom.  I try to get out of the way and allow Jesus to be shown in those places where I know he is seldom thought of.  My current issue is that I feel as though this work you have called me to is stagnant.  I am having a hard time seeing where you are working and what you are up to in my job.  I see you in my family life, my church life, and my daily living, but I am struggling to see you in my job life.  Help me ...

To Him Be the Praise

1 Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. The verse says it all.  I know that sounds like a cop-out, but I really mean it.   I will be rereading this verse all day today.  This is my hope in life.

The Sin and the Gift

Romans 5:16 Again the gift of God is not like the result of the one man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. The sin of Adam brought death.  We are born into this condemnation by no choice of our own.  Judgment followed Adam's disobedience and therefore has affected the nature of all mankind.  Paul says that the gift is not like the trespass.  This threw me because I was thinking they were similar in the "once for all" way.  While there is truth in that statement, there is more depth to the difference between the sin and the gift.  The sin affects our very nature, we have no choice.  The gift, though, comes through our acceptance, our choice to claim Jesus' death as our own and to be justified through him.  Grace is a gift.  A life-changing, life-giving gift.  Once we accept this gift, we are free of the condemnation from our sin nature.  Wh...

Make Time

This week is your chance to thank God. Ponder on Him in your heart for a few moments in each of the following: Jesus... family… friends… hobbies... job… providence… Father, thank you for being a consistent truth and for the way you use others to show your compassion and mercy as we walk this journey together.  Thanks for the support of the Spirit within.  Your name be praised through the end of the age! Amen.

Impossible Promises

Romans 4:18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be." For some reason the word 'hope' is now popping up all over my world.  And then too, the story of Abraham and Sarah is showing up in my reading.  I'm not really sure how to put into words what I am even thinking at this point.  It is just a jumbled mess of thoughts.  I guess I will just write them all and see what I get.  -Abraham was given a promise.  -The timing of the fruition of that promise seemed to be a long time coming.  -The only way the promise could be fulfilled was through God because of the bodies of Abraham and Sarah.  -Abraham had hope and faith in God's promise.  The promise only being fulfilled by God is what stands out to me.  Abraham and Sarah could do nothing to produce the promise within themselves.  God waited for that to be completely impossible so He ...

True Justice

Zechariah 7:9 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.' I was caught today by the organization of this verse, which led me to look up the word justice.  In my dictionary app, righteousness came up as a description for justice.  Odd, I thought.  I connected all of the pieces, the sentence structure, the description, and what I know about who God is.  True justice is showing mercy and compassion to one another.  I was thinking of my job and how I feel like I cannot always show mercy when I'm having to discipline a child because I have to give consequences.  And yet, I believe that when I do my job in Christ , as He has called me to do, that is exactly what is happening when I discipline a child, I am showing mercy and compassion through my love for them as I take corrective action.  I once had a principal tell me I showed so much love when I disciplined students.  Now her statement m...

Sad and Frustrated

Romans 8:28 And we now that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I'm struggling with this verse today.  Do you ever have days where you know that overall your life is going fine and good, but there are those few things in which you are waiting for God to do something "good" and nothing seems to be happening?  And if anything, it feels like the longer you wait, the farther the "good" gets from happening?  That's where I am today.  There are several areas in my life where I am waiting on God to move and produce some long lasting impact.  I feel as though I get to a point where hope seems to abound and things start to look in the "good" direction, and then, bam, something not good happens, or maybe even worse, nothing happens.  Not to be a downer, but I'm just kind of sad today.  I'm trying to focus on the "good" that is going on, but the tears just seem to roll ...

Promises Fulfilled

Galatians 4:23 His son by the slave woman was born in the ordinary way; but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a promise. God has been prompting me to write about this verse for over a month now.  I have fought Him on this one because I am not sure what to write.  Paul uses the two women of Abraham's children as a metaphor for the old and new covenants.  The slave woman represents the old covenant.  The nation of Israel had taken control of their own lives and made things happen on their own.  That was what Abraham did with Hagar.  He and Sarah got tired of waiting on God's promise so Abraham had a child with Hagar, taking God's will into his own hands.  However we know that Isaac was the promise from God.  Sarah did become pregnant, just as God had said.  The new covenant in Christ is represented by Sarah's fulfilled promise.  God's will completed by Him in His timing according to His promise.  This is our covena...