I'm struggling to find a verse today. I have read dozens of verses, looked up specific words, and prayed, but no verse is standing out to me today. I do have a word that keeps coming back, but no verses that seem to fit it. The word is long-suffering. I read about patience, endurance, and perseverance, but none of these have sufficed my spiritual thirst with the word long-suffering. As I think about what I know, I am humbled by the phrase long-suffering as I don't believe I really have a full grasp of what the term means. I have never been in a situation of long-suffering and when I think I have, I am introduced to someone who has been there longer. We are so quick to complain about our situation rather than to look for how our situation has impacted others or even ourselves. I know that the times where I have felt long-suffering, I have grown deeper and those around me have been impacted. So what is the goal in long-suffering? Is it to get out of it? Is it to look for the good? Is it to just make us miserable? I don't think it's any of these. I believe the goal in long-suffering is to draw us nearer to God. We get as close to Jesus as we can and let His love endure. No magical fixes, just being in the presence of the One who created you. What peace and relief! Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.
Jude 22-23 Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. This is something I have struggles with, loving those who frustrate me. How can we be merciful to those who are "corrupt" without being judgmental? It is definitely not our place to judge one another, it is our place to love one another. Sometimes loving the people who are rude or cruel is the hardest part of being a Christian. My humanity would like to judge people for their behaviors and choices and lash out at them. I believe we are only able to show true mercy and compassion for others when we accept these for ourselves from Jesus and then He lives them through us. Allowing God to change our hearts in order that Jesus' mercy and compassion shine through is a journey. It's not always easy. On those difficult days, I remain quiet and ask God to love on me, so I...
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