I'll bet that's never the answer you'd expect to get when asking the question, "Why?", when someone passes away. It is fascinating to me that this is the verse I was drawn to today. I have been struggling with Mom's situation the last few days. I have moments where I am doing just fine and then others where I feel so sad. I know that is to be expected. The journey is tough, I will not hide it. The beauty in all of this is that there is someone in my life big enough to handle all of my emotion attached to it. He cares and he knows. I think we are all pondering in our hearts the perishing of the righteous at this time. Hmm…this was not the answer I was expecting today. I still have hope for a miracle in all of this, although maybe I need to think differently on what constitutes a miracle too. As Tim Keller says so eloquently in Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering, she will either be "delivered from death or through it". I believe there lies a miracle in both deliverances. Don't miss the glory!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and situation.