John 12:27-28 "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!"
Jesus' words are powerful here. It always amazes me to think that Jesus asked the Father to take away the cup and yet because of his incredible love for us he was willing to move forward and complete his calling. I realize my life's calling is not nearly like Jesus' calling, nor is the extent of my sacrifice even remotely close to his. With that said, this verse still strikes me deeply. I want to fulfill God's calling in my life, even though at times 'my heart is troubled'. The beauty is that I have someone living in me who knows exactly how I feel. Jesus consoles my spirit and renews my strength and perseverance on the journey. In him I find relief. We all need little moments of relief within our journey. I wonder sometimes if the last supper Jesus had with his disciples was a respite for him on his journey. He was with his friends sharing his last moments with them. His eyes were on the cross, but in that moment, I think, his heart was truly with them. During this day, my hope for each of you is that your eyes are on the cross of Christ and that your heart is with him. To Him be the glory!
Jesus' words are powerful here. It always amazes me to think that Jesus asked the Father to take away the cup and yet because of his incredible love for us he was willing to move forward and complete his calling. I realize my life's calling is not nearly like Jesus' calling, nor is the extent of my sacrifice even remotely close to his. With that said, this verse still strikes me deeply. I want to fulfill God's calling in my life, even though at times 'my heart is troubled'. The beauty is that I have someone living in me who knows exactly how I feel. Jesus consoles my spirit and renews my strength and perseverance on the journey. In him I find relief. We all need little moments of relief within our journey. I wonder sometimes if the last supper Jesus had with his disciples was a respite for him on his journey. He was with his friends sharing his last moments with them. His eyes were on the cross, but in that moment, I think, his heart was truly with them. During this day, my hope for each of you is that your eyes are on the cross of Christ and that your heart is with him. To Him be the glory!
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