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Showing posts from December, 2014

A New Perspective

Philemon 6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. I would say this is my prayer for all of you.  I have learned so many good things through posting this year by actively sharing my faith.  There are so many ways for us to share our faith.  Some of them are very visible, like pastoring or teaching or even blogging.  Others are quietly beautiful like walking alongside of a hurting friend or praying for someone.  Any way you choose to share your faith is sure to grow you.  I am always amazed at how the Spirit prompts and what happens inside after I've moved.  My perspective changes and I am able to see where God is at work in the midst of all things, from the happy to the tragic.  Jesus is bigger than my circumstances.  I have come a long way on my journey with Jesus, but I have so much more to learn.  God is moving and I am excited to be a par...

Listen and Respond

Colossians 4:17 Tell Archippus: "See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." This verse struck me today as I come to a close of a year of daily devotional writing.  (I realize there is one day left.)  It is amazing how much you learn by doing what God asks.  I am still unsure as to why I was supposed to write these devotionals and post them for the world to see.  It has been quite the experience overall.  I feel that I have grown closer to God and spent time with Him in ways I hadn't before.  I encourage you to listen to how God may be prompting you.  It may be a conversation or word you are supposed to have or say to someone.  It may be a letter you need to write.  It may be your presence at an event.  It may be to read your Bible daily.  All and any of those things are important when you are prompted by the Spirit.  I guarantee, it is worth it to listen and follow through.  God is amazing throu...

The Heart of Jesus

John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. I have had a difficult time finding a single verse today.  I have been all over my Bible, reading and thinking.  I'm settling on this verse, mostly because it is closely related to one of my favorite verses.  I sometimes get caught up in thinking I need to do certain things to grow in my faith.  These things are not inherently bad, nor are they necessarily good.  Two big stumbling blocks for me are fasting and tithing.  I find myself getting hooked into the religious value of them rather than the relational value.  I find that spending time with God gives me a clearer picture of my own motives for wanting to do these things.  I find that I usually feel the need to fast when I'm feeling poorly about my body image.  I find that wanting to tithe usually comes after reading verses in the Old Testament about God blessing Israel for its offerings.  Both of these are mot...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Romans 15:20-21 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation.  Rather, as it is written: "Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand." I agree with Paul's thinking here.  This has been my ambition in education as well.  I want to go to those places where students, and sometimes staff, do not have the opportunities to see Jesus.  I consider it part of my mission and my calling to show Jesus to those who will more than likely never shadow the door of a church.  (This does not mean that I have a heart for overseas ministry, however.)  In my field of work, showing Jesus is really the only thing I can do because I cannot speak about Him unless I am asked.  This is where the Spirit and I are in constant contact.  My prayer is that I am always acting through the Spirit.  I know I mess up and I have major mom...

A Prayer of Reflection

Oh Lord, you have brought me through another year of this journey.  You have protected my soul and have made me whole in moments when I was so very broken.  Father, You have carried me through dark hours and run with me through happy moments.  Your love have washed over me again and again and Your grace has unfailingly sustained me.  I am grateful for you, Jesus, and the way you have made my life complete.  You meet me every time I need you, without failing.  You are my constant.  Spirit, you have washed over me so thickly this year that I have not even been able to stand at times.  You have filled my soul to the fullest and have given me strength when I had nothing left. You are my lifeblood.  Oh, beautiful Godhead, I am in awe of the power, glory and grace you bestow on me.  I am your humble servant.  With love, Amen.

Hope Continues

Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining on toward what is ahead.  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. The day after Christmas, and the hope remains.  I would say, that as a family, we are ready to put this year behind us.  However, we do not do so with disdain or bitterness.  We are pressing on toward what is ahead because of the hope we have found in Jesus throughout this year.  We are moving ahead with great expectation that God is moving and working for the good of those who live Him, us.  As you move on from the expectation of what Christmas brings, live in the expectation of what the Christ child has already done for you.  Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men!  There is hope!

Wrapped In Grace

Acts 10:34-35 Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God goes not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right." This message is the one we are called to deliver.  God loves all people and Jesus is the proof.  Jesus was sent to the world, not just to a certain group of people.  He is Lord and we are called to share Him and His message.  On Christmas, it is easy to get wrapped up, no pun intended, in all of the family traditions we are a part of.  These are wonderful things to celebrate.  We have several in our family too. This year though, I want to be sure I share Jesus outside of my family.  I want to help others have the life of freedom that I have received through Jesus.  I want His grace to wrap them up and touch their hearts so deeply that they are never the same.  This is what I have learned over the last year.  God is with me at all times, especially in my darkest mo...

Don't Miss It

Matthew 1:23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" - which means, "God with us." The birth of Jesus is really something when you think about it.  The time and design God took to send His Son to us is a picture of immaculate beauty.  The prophecy and detail are a good reminder for me to think about how God cares for each of our journeys.  He works His will into each of our lives, just as He planned the coming Messiah.  The beauty of our journey is that He walks with us the entire way.  He is on all sides of us, living in, around, and through us.  We are cared for so deeply, yet we often times miss it.  Don't miss it.  Ask for Kingdom eyes to see where and how God is moving.  Many people missed the Christ child because of their own ideas of how God would come to earth.  This always fascinates me because God was very clear of exactly how He would come in the Old Testament through the...

Blessings of Life

Luke 1:41-42 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.  In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!" I've been thinking about blessing this Christmas.  Today I was drawn to Mary's story and the fact that Elizabeth calls her blessed.  Mary's life would have been very difficult after the angel visited her.  She was a virgin with child.  Her husband-to-be was unhappy and wasn't sure what to do.  Their life was hard and yet she was blessed.  At Christmas time I think we often think of all of the "blessings" of life, the happy things.  Family, friends, gifts, and so on.  This year, I challenge you to find the blessing in the hardships of your life.  My mom is in Heaven and I am challenging myself to find the blessings this Christmas that are wrapped within her being there.  Not just the blessing for her, but ...

The Beauty of Christmas

John 13:5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. During Christmas, it is hard for me to stay only at the birth of Christ.  My mind travels to what was ahead for Him.  I find myself in awe of the fact that the man who would save the world and show us how to love another would come as a He did.  There was nothing kingly about his entrance into the world.  And there was nothing kingly about His ministry either.  We want to make Jesus this majestic, ornate vision of loveliness, when in actuality He was very ordinary and  humble.  His countenance was a beautiful image of unconditional love.  People were and are drawn to Him because of the way He loves.  This is the Jesus I want to know and spend time with, the One who is not proud and pompous, but rather the One who humbly sits on His throne of grace and carries me through this life.  He is almi...

Jesus Encounters

Job 42:5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. This is one of my favorite verses in Job.  It depicts exactly how we come to know Christ.  We hear of him and the life he lived.  We hear of his death and resurrection.  But until we come into contact with him, until we see him face to face, our hearts are unsure and we doubt what he offers.  This is my hope in the Advent Season for all people, to see Jesus face to face.  I'm seeking these encounters.  I am looking for Him daily to confirm what I know is truth.  I have seen Him each day during Advent and I am anxiously awaiting His next move for 2015.  God is always moving and what joy, and relief, that is!  It is His will to be accomplished, not mine.

Praise to the One

Father, I praise You for the wonder of Your Son.  I praise You for coming to us as one of us.  I praise you for the miracle that is Jesus.  I praise You for the gift of life.  I thank you for the love you bestow.  I thank you for Your Spirit that guides.  I thank you for the opportunity to share You.  Lord, you are my rock and my strength.  In You I take refuge.  I you I find eternal hope, everlasting joy, and indescribable peace.  Father, You are my all.  Be near this Christmas.  Amen.

The Hope of Jesus

Luke 2:32 ...a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel. The story of Simeon is close to my heart.  I do not know why exactly.  There is a particular painting of Simeon with the baby Jesus that I believe is beautiful and maybe that's why I love the story so much.  It is the promise of hope that God gave Simeon and the fulfillment of that promise brings me hope.  And then when Simeon sees the baby and holds him for the first time, he quotes Isaiah, confirming the words that Jesus had come to the world for all of the world.  In this season, I am challenged to apply this love.  Jesus came to the world to save it, not to a certain people or nation.  He is truly the light of the world and His saving grace is for each individual.  That is the hope of Jesus.  May you find Him this Christmas.

Protection and Glory

John 17:15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. This is part of Jesus' prayer for the disciples.  It is interesting that Jesus prays for protection for the disciples instead of Heaven.  He, of course, knew they would be in Heaven with him eventually, but He knew that there was work to be done on earth first.  This is something I know I get caught up in myself.  I don't always want to engage or invest in people.  I get frustrated with them quickly.  I don't always love the life I'm living.  I get tired of the day to day grind or sick of waiting for the next step in the journey.  Those are moments when I think, "Oh Lord, just take me home.  Let's be done with all of this."  But then I think on Jesus' words here and my vision begins to change.  I realize that my statement of wanting to go home is completely selfish.  I am not on this earth because of anything I have ev...

Bringers of Good News

Luke 2:9-10 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.  But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy what will be for all the people." I don't know that I have any big words about this scripture, but I will tell you, I'm on the lookout for angels this Christmas.  Are you?

Accept the Gift

Ezekiel 11:19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. God's work in our lives is sometimes inconceivable.  We want to think that we somehow have control over our own hearts and lives.  We want to believe that if we have a good attitude and stay positive, our hearts will become good.  The truth is, we have no control over our hearts.  We can control our attitude, but making the decision every day to have a positive outlook can get very tiring when things continue to be difficult.  What we often miss is that if we allow God to make our hearts undivided to Him and give us a new Spirit, we will have the positive outlook and good attitude that we so desperately work at.  We will become the individual who has a heart about others because we live through the One who gave His life for others.  Our heart change is God's job, not ours.  All we do is acce...

Nothing Can Steal Our Joy!

Isaiah 40:4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. This verse, to me, is exactly what Jesus does in our lives when we surrender to Him.  We are not shaken by what the world brings at us.  We have still waters that run deep in the midst of chaos around us.  The Spirit stirs within to give us a holy perspective and assure us of the hope we have in Christ.  This is what it means when we say, "Nothing can steal our joy!"  There is a steadiness that comes with Jesus because He is so constant.  He is always the same and so is His love.  He cares so deeply for each and every one of us and when we can embrace that unconditional love for ourselves, we live in freedom and hope.  We are not shaken by the world because we are not of the world when we live in the Spirit.  Praise be to Him who sent His Son so that we are no longer slaves to the world, but children...

Show the World

Ephesians 5:1-2 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. I believe Christmas is the perfect time of year for us show that we are of God.  There are so many moments and opportunities to show God's love and to be selfless all year long, but especially at this time of year.  I think of those who are not enjoying the season for whatever reason.  It can be anything from the loss of a loved one, to the lack of money, to not having Jesus.  We can be that beacon of light in the darkness for someone.  I am praying hard to discern God's prompting so that I make someone's season better and not more painful.  We must be discerning in the way we speak to others during this time of joy and happiness.  This is even true when we talk with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  Speaking in love is just a good idea all of t...

Advent Prayer

Father, in this season of Advent, I pray that you would hold those close who are experiencing sadness or pain.  Lord may the hope of Your son overwhelm us this season and bring us deep joy that cannot be removed by our circumstances.  I pray for your Spirit to dwell richly in each home and heart as we celebrate the coming of the Christ child.  Lord, Your work and Your will be done this Christmas.  Amen.

Renewal of Hope

Hosea 13:14 I will ransom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death. I cannot go through the Christmas season without thinking about Easter.  They are two sides of the same coin for me, so to speak.  Jesus is the ransom for our lives.  We have been paid for by His blood.  His birth is the beginning of an incredible journey that led to our redemption.  Celebrating the birth of the Christ child is another moment for me to stop and think about my own rebirth in Him.  Jesus came to us and walked with us in order that we might be brought back into the fold with our Father.  There are no words to express the love and gratitude I feel during this season.  It is one of pure joy.  Advent is a time for the renewal of hope in redemption and resurrection.  Jesus has come!

Be Christmas

Romans 10:9 That if  you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. The word believe is all over at Christmas time.  Unfortunately, I think it is often in regards to Santa, but here we have it biblically.  I wanted to post this verse for those who are seeking and wondering what it means to be a Christian.  I think Christmas is an opportune time to ponder that question.  I don't want my Christmas to look like the "typical" Christmas.  I want Christmas to actually be about Jesus.  For goodness sake, He was God on the planet!  That's kind of a big deal.  I want to introduce Him to those I meet.  I want to be Christmas for someone, in the sense that I pray that Jesus would be seen in me and work through me during this season.  I'm getting in the way most of the time, honestly, so I just keep praying that I can step back and let Jesus be in front.  Jes...

Angels With Us

Luke 22:42-43 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. It was important for me to read this section of scripture today.  I have been feeling somewhat defeated by my circumstances lately.  It is an interesting mix for me.  I am a naturally very positive person, but with the events of life and the extended waiting period I have been in, I find myself feeling overwhelmed at times.  I am a firm believer in angels and I do believe that God sends them to us, as He sent one to Jesus in the garden.  I have recently been praying for God to send His angels, and then I read this today.  I know God has heard my prayer and I know He has responded.  I needed the word of encouragement that God is working, even in my moments of waiting for longer than expected.  There is hope because of Jesus and in Him!

The Father's Voice

1 Samuel 3:10 The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!"  Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening." This is the first time Samuel is spoken to by God and he does not know God's voice.  Eli has to help him understand what to say in order to speak with the Lord.  As I was thinking about this today, I am wondering how many times I have not heard God's voice calling.  I wonder if I have misheard him and taken him for someone else.  It is so important for us to spend time listening in prayer so that we can become attuned to the Father's voice.  We must delve into His word so that we are able to discern when it is His words we are hearing.  I want to be sure that when I hear Jesus calling, I am sure to respond with the words, "Speak, for your servant is listening."  What is Jesus trying to tell you this Advent?

Evidence of Grace

Acts 11:23 When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Jesus came for the entire world!  That is the message in this section of Acts.  The "evidence of the grace of God" is what's got me thinking today.  What is the evidence of God's grace?  It is loving the unlovable.  It is patience in affliction.  It is joy in sorrow.  It is the Holy Spirit visible in people.  So how do we do that?  Well, the answer is simple.  We don't.  God does.  It's the application of this that gets tricky.  Living in the Spirit is a journey you take with Jesus.  You start by recognizing where the Spirit is prompting you.  In other words, when do you notice yourself feeling bad or guilty?  When do you say or do things you know you shouldn't?  This would be the Spirit nudging you.  When I feel that way, I immediately pray ab...

New Vision

Jeremiah 32:27 "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.  Is anything too hard for me?" These words were exactly what I needed to hear today.  God is always working and I sometimes get so wrapped up in the day to day that I forget the whole vision.  I needed a reminder of God's vision and to think about what I know, God is able.  The big picture can be difficult to wait for and I often get wrapped up in the details used to complete it.  In reality the details that make up the journey are important, but, for me, I often focus on them in the wrong light.  I am working on looking at the details of the journey in the light of Jesus, which makes them look very differently.  This new vision is a work in progress.

Soul Fillers

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? I am in need of some personal time with God. Some alone time.  Some solitude.  This has been week of absolute craziness.  I'm finding right now that I am giving too much to the things that suck the life out of me.  I am needing a time to get replenished from the Giver of Life, as I have had a lot of life taken away from me this week by people and situations.  I truly love the Christmas season.  I love spending time with people and enjoying the laughter and joy of Christmas.  These things are soul fillers for me.  Right now, I need to let the Spirit within me refill my soul.

Baptism With the Holy Spirit

Luke 3:16 John answered them all, "I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." John the Baptist spoke these words that have always struck my heart so deeply.  Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is something I think we don't even realize we have as followers of Jesus.  This baptism in the Spirit is different from the water baptism.  With baptism of water, it is an outward symbol of an inward covenant between you and God.  The water symbolizes the cleansing of sin and beginning life anew in Jesus.  Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not a symbol.  Being baptized with the Holy Spirit means God fills you with the Holy Spirit which enables you to fulfill the covenant you have made with Him.  The Spirit works in your life to mold, shape, and transform your heart.  Baptism with the Holy Spirit is resurrection power li...

Hope of Salvation

Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, I have read so many different scriptures today searching for the one that would stand out.  I have found that today, I just needed to spend time with God pondering Him and His ways.  I have been all too preoccupied with life and what's going on in it that I have forgotten to take time to just sit with God.  This happens all too often.  So today, as I read Romans 8, I was encouraged by verse 1 in that this is the hope of the Christ child.  We are no longer condemned by our sinful nature because Jesus came to us to save us from it.  The Christmas season brings with it a hope of so many things, but the hope of salvation is what I want to share this time around.  Share Him with someone today.

Majesty In Weakness

Micah 5:4 He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.  And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. For some reason, verses like this are perfect for Christmas time.  I don't know if it has to do with the shepherd or the majesty, but this verse brings me visions of Christmas.  Jesus is the great shepherd.  He leads us and protects us.  He takes care of us with an unconditional love that nurtures and refines.  He is enthroned in greatness and the season of Christmas brings this majesty to light.  The baby Jesus was announced by angels.  He was visited by kings at a young age.   Jesus came in such a lowly state and yet He exuded majesty.  There it is again, strength in weakness.  How does God do it?  He is able to take the most awful of circumstances and make them extraordinarily powerful.  I'm looking His powe...

Fishers of Men

Luke 5:10 Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." Jesus had several fishermen among His disciples.  As a fisherman, one is very aware of the best time of day to catch fish, the bait needed and the perfect places to throw out your line.  I believe there are similar pieces of knowledge needed when being a fisher of men.  One must listen to God to know the best time to begin that conversation about Jesus.  One must pay attention to the prompting of God within the conversation to speak His words to those in need.  One must be aware of where there is the greatest need for Jesus and go there.  That's where he himself went…to the "sick".  As I journey through Advent, my prayer is that I may be a fisher of men to make Christmas about Jesus for someone.  Believe and bring hope!