Romans 15:20-21 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather, as it is written: "Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand."
I agree with Paul's thinking here. This has been my ambition in education as well. I want to go to those places where students, and sometimes staff, do not have the opportunities to see Jesus. I consider it part of my mission and my calling to show Jesus to those who will more than likely never shadow the door of a church. (This does not mean that I have a heart for overseas ministry, however.) In my field of work, showing Jesus is really the only thing I can do because I cannot speak about Him unless I am asked. This is where the Spirit and I are in constant contact. My prayer is that I am always acting through the Spirit. I know I mess up and I have major moments of failure. Those are times when I ask for help in changing that part of my heart. It is eye opening when all you have are actions, and words are not available to you. But I think that is exactly what Isaiah meant when he penned the words, "Those who were not told… and those who have not heard…" I believe God uses me to help these people see Him and understand who He is. This is my mission and I will continue on.
I agree with Paul's thinking here. This has been my ambition in education as well. I want to go to those places where students, and sometimes staff, do not have the opportunities to see Jesus. I consider it part of my mission and my calling to show Jesus to those who will more than likely never shadow the door of a church. (This does not mean that I have a heart for overseas ministry, however.) In my field of work, showing Jesus is really the only thing I can do because I cannot speak about Him unless I am asked. This is where the Spirit and I are in constant contact. My prayer is that I am always acting through the Spirit. I know I mess up and I have major moments of failure. Those are times when I ask for help in changing that part of my heart. It is eye opening when all you have are actions, and words are not available to you. But I think that is exactly what Isaiah meant when he penned the words, "Those who were not told… and those who have not heard…" I believe God uses me to help these people see Him and understand who He is. This is my mission and I will continue on.
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