Luke 23:35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One."
Every time I read any account of the crucifixion, I am always struck by the words of those watching. But more so, I am struck by the silence of Jesus. He is wrongly accused, or maybe rightly accused, but does not deserve death. Yet he accepts the wage of death as the will of God and does so with a quiet grace. My cup from God is nothing compared to what Jesus was called to do and yet I would have to say that I don't always accept it with a quiet grace. I find myself complaining or whining about some portion of His will. I realize that the only way I can accomplish God's will with the grace that Jesus did is to actually have Jesus in me to accomplish God's will for me and through me. Jesus had the capacity to save himself, but he didn't have the heart to do it. Jesus' heart was/is all about each one of us. His skill set was such that he absolutely could have come down off the cross, but the very core of who he was/is is such that he absolutely could not come down because we were in need of a Savior. What love!
Every time I read any account of the crucifixion, I am always struck by the words of those watching. But more so, I am struck by the silence of Jesus. He is wrongly accused, or maybe rightly accused, but does not deserve death. Yet he accepts the wage of death as the will of God and does so with a quiet grace. My cup from God is nothing compared to what Jesus was called to do and yet I would have to say that I don't always accept it with a quiet grace. I find myself complaining or whining about some portion of His will. I realize that the only way I can accomplish God's will with the grace that Jesus did is to actually have Jesus in me to accomplish God's will for me and through me. Jesus had the capacity to save himself, but he didn't have the heart to do it. Jesus' heart was/is all about each one of us. His skill set was such that he absolutely could have come down off the cross, but the very core of who he was/is is such that he absolutely could not come down because we were in need of a Savior. What love!
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