Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
I have really been missing my mom this week. (Might be because Dad was gone on a fishing trip too.) This verse was given to me today. Mom taught us so very much about faith by the way she lived her life in Jesus. She gave us such a solid foundation and then helped us to grow on our own journey with Jesus. I am crazy thankful for the mother I was given and the time I had with her. I think this week has just been hard because I headed back to work with children and Mom knew me so well when it came to what I am created to do. I will continue to live in Christ because I have been so deeply rooted in Him, which Mom so beautifully lived out in her life and passed on to us. The sadness creeps in, but the joy of who God is to me will never be taken from me. My faith is rooted in Jesus and He is the foundation on which my entire life has been built. A special thanks to my parents for showing me what faith in Jesus looks like and for living life in resurrection. My life is eternally changed because I saw/see Jesus in my parents. He is the reason we live in resurrection and He is the reason we are more than conquerors!
I have really been missing my mom this week. (Might be because Dad was gone on a fishing trip too.) This verse was given to me today. Mom taught us so very much about faith by the way she lived her life in Jesus. She gave us such a solid foundation and then helped us to grow on our own journey with Jesus. I am crazy thankful for the mother I was given and the time I had with her. I think this week has just been hard because I headed back to work with children and Mom knew me so well when it came to what I am created to do. I will continue to live in Christ because I have been so deeply rooted in Him, which Mom so beautifully lived out in her life and passed on to us. The sadness creeps in, but the joy of who God is to me will never be taken from me. My faith is rooted in Jesus and He is the foundation on which my entire life has been built. A special thanks to my parents for showing me what faith in Jesus looks like and for living life in resurrection. My life is eternally changed because I saw/see Jesus in my parents. He is the reason we live in resurrection and He is the reason we are more than conquerors!
I love this!