Ephesians 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.
I have been disappointed with my summer. I had so many plans and none of them came to fruition. Then, looking forward to the coming year, I was feeling a bit disappointed about that too. I was trying to understand the will of God in my current circumstances, but I just seemed to be stuck. Then it hit me. I have been making all of my life about me. That is why I have been living in disappointment. My life is not about me. My life is Jesus. God is working out His perfect will in my life to impact others. My self-pity and disappointment is all related to what I want. In reality, I want what God wants and I have become foolish enough to lose sight of that. It's time to recalibrate and get my eyes fixated on Jesus and the Spirit's work in and through my life. My current circumstances are affecting others for Christ. It's not about me at all. It's about Jesus!
I have been disappointed with my summer. I had so many plans and none of them came to fruition. Then, looking forward to the coming year, I was feeling a bit disappointed about that too. I was trying to understand the will of God in my current circumstances, but I just seemed to be stuck. Then it hit me. I have been making all of my life about me. That is why I have been living in disappointment. My life is not about me. My life is Jesus. God is working out His perfect will in my life to impact others. My self-pity and disappointment is all related to what I want. In reality, I want what God wants and I have become foolish enough to lose sight of that. It's time to recalibrate and get my eyes fixated on Jesus and the Spirit's work in and through my life. My current circumstances are affecting others for Christ. It's not about me at all. It's about Jesus!
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