James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
For some reason this spoke to me as a leadership statement. I suppose because I've been back at work this week, I am focused on my role as a leader. Wisdom from heaven is what I desire as a leader. When we are sharing with others and leading them through crucial moments in life, sometimes our tendency is to become the "been there, done that" type of personality. However, God's wisdom is never condescending toward us. This hits me personally. Sometimes I think God must look down on me and my idiocracy and think, "Seriously, Abbie? Again, we are having this same conversation?" But God is never exasperated with me (even if I am exasperated with myself). He is full of mercy and seeks to give me peace. He doesn't compare me with others. He loves me and leads me because He created me. Period. Wisdom from heaven can only be gotten from God through Jesus. The outpouring described in the verse is evidence of the Spirit working. My job is to ask for the His wisdom and surrender mine.
For some reason this spoke to me as a leadership statement. I suppose because I've been back at work this week, I am focused on my role as a leader. Wisdom from heaven is what I desire as a leader. When we are sharing with others and leading them through crucial moments in life, sometimes our tendency is to become the "been there, done that" type of personality. However, God's wisdom is never condescending toward us. This hits me personally. Sometimes I think God must look down on me and my idiocracy and think, "Seriously, Abbie? Again, we are having this same conversation?" But God is never exasperated with me (even if I am exasperated with myself). He is full of mercy and seeks to give me peace. He doesn't compare me with others. He loves me and leads me because He created me. Period. Wisdom from heaven can only be gotten from God through Jesus. The outpouring described in the verse is evidence of the Spirit working. My job is to ask for the His wisdom and surrender mine.
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