Genesis 3:8 The the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
The captivity of Satan in this moment really struck me today. After eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve become captives of Satan. They lose focus on God and His providence and begin to take over their own lives, right then and there. Their peace is completely taken from them. When God comes to the garden, they hide themselves from Him, not because they are naked, they've covered themselves, but because they are captives. They cannot even begin to think about being in the presence of God because they have been bound by the evil one. Thankfully, the story of humanity doesn't end there. When Jesus comes, He sets mankind free from Satan's captivity. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior allowing Him to heal our wounds, we become captivated with Him; we are no longer captives. When we realize the depth at which we are loved, Jesus holds our attention. When one lives in absence of God, one is captive to everything, even to the point of hiding from God, the only good pursuant. When one lives in God through Jesus, there is no need to hide from anything or anyone. In Christ, when Satan comes knocking we do not need to hide from him because within us we have the Conqueror of evil. There is no need to be afraid. In Jesus, freedom reigns and captives are set free.
The captivity of Satan in this moment really struck me today. After eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve become captives of Satan. They lose focus on God and His providence and begin to take over their own lives, right then and there. Their peace is completely taken from them. When God comes to the garden, they hide themselves from Him, not because they are naked, they've covered themselves, but because they are captives. They cannot even begin to think about being in the presence of God because they have been bound by the evil one. Thankfully, the story of humanity doesn't end there. When Jesus comes, He sets mankind free from Satan's captivity. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior allowing Him to heal our wounds, we become captivated with Him; we are no longer captives. When we realize the depth at which we are loved, Jesus holds our attention. When one lives in absence of God, one is captive to everything, even to the point of hiding from God, the only good pursuant. When one lives in God through Jesus, there is no need to hide from anything or anyone. In Christ, when Satan comes knocking we do not need to hide from him because within us we have the Conqueror of evil. There is no need to be afraid. In Jesus, freedom reigns and captives are set free.
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