Luke 24:38 He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?"
(Jesus speaking to the disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection.) I feel as though Jesus was asking me this question today. My struggle has been seeing the situations in and around my life and discerning His movements and purpose. We are so quick to jump to judgement of what we think God must be, or not be, up to. Why is that? Doubts pop up so easily and run amuck within the mind. We take the crummy parts of life and run with them, believing the silliest lies that Satan throws at us. The disciples had the resurrected Jesus in the room with them to show who He really was. They could see his scars and watch him eat. Where is the resurrected Jesus in our situations when we become troubled and begin to doubt? Wouldn't it be something if Jesus physically appeared at those times? Fortunately, we don't need Jesus to physically appear because we have Him living in us. When I am troubled or have crazy lies running through my mind, I turn to Jesus and surrender my troubles and doubt. It takes me some time to do so, but I'm getting quicker. I remember Who is in charge of my life and Who has all things in His control. The Spirit reminds me and assures me of Whom I serve and why I serve Him. He is in control because He has overcome the world. Whew! That's my feeling on a day like today. Thanks be to God for His sovereignty!
(Jesus speaking to the disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection.) I feel as though Jesus was asking me this question today. My struggle has been seeing the situations in and around my life and discerning His movements and purpose. We are so quick to jump to judgement of what we think God must be, or not be, up to. Why is that? Doubts pop up so easily and run amuck within the mind. We take the crummy parts of life and run with them, believing the silliest lies that Satan throws at us. The disciples had the resurrected Jesus in the room with them to show who He really was. They could see his scars and watch him eat. Where is the resurrected Jesus in our situations when we become troubled and begin to doubt? Wouldn't it be something if Jesus physically appeared at those times? Fortunately, we don't need Jesus to physically appear because we have Him living in us. When I am troubled or have crazy lies running through my mind, I turn to Jesus and surrender my troubles and doubt. It takes me some time to do so, but I'm getting quicker. I remember Who is in charge of my life and Who has all things in His control. The Spirit reminds me and assures me of Whom I serve and why I serve Him. He is in control because He has overcome the world. Whew! That's my feeling on a day like today. Thanks be to God for His sovereignty!
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