Liz, my sister, sent me this verse earlier this week and I have had some new learning about trusting today. As I have been in this waiting period in my life, I have been given ample opportunities to spend time in the presence of God. We have had lots of conversations about what He has planned for the future and when those plans will come to fruition. Some of the timing I have been told and other parts I am having to trust in His perfect timing. What I find interesting is that which God chooses to reveal and that which He chooses to let me anticipate. I recognize that He is building my trust by giving me knowledge (for me it's specifically in regards to others) to show how faithful He is in His promises. Then when He is faithful in what He's revealed to me, I deepen my trust for that which has not been revealed. I do love anticipation, but sometimes I find myself asking questions, or doubting His word. In those times I must remember... I've been told what I know, and I know what I've been told. This knowledge is of the heart, which surpasses all of my head knowledge and fills me with peace. What hope abounds when the Holy Spirit refreshes your soul as you wait in anticipation!
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