Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
What a beautiful picture of faith this is! I'm looking at this verse in two pieces today. First, hope. Hope is a sticky word because it has a fluffy meaning in our language and current vernacular. We tend to think of hope as in something we "hope" will happen, more of a desire of occurrence. However, hope with God comes with an element of trust, not just a dream of what could be. We have word and prior experience from God that He will be faithful in what He says He will do. We can strengthen our hope through trust. And the second piece, being certain of what we do not see. Being certain is believing with no doubt. A personal relationship with Jesus allows certainty because your experience provides assurance. Even though society would say "seeing is believing, it is not in sight that we believe when it comes to faith. I think it's a quote from The Santa Clause that turns this common phrase around to "believing is seeing". I believe this phrase holds true in our walk with Jesus. Once you believe a thing about God, it is amazing how often you see it. For instance, when you recognize that coincidence isn't coincidence at all, but rather God's hand in the details, you notice His detail work all of the time.
For what is God inviting you to have faith like this?
What a beautiful picture of faith this is! I'm looking at this verse in two pieces today. First, hope. Hope is a sticky word because it has a fluffy meaning in our language and current vernacular. We tend to think of hope as in something we "hope" will happen, more of a desire of occurrence. However, hope with God comes with an element of trust, not just a dream of what could be. We have word and prior experience from God that He will be faithful in what He says He will do. We can strengthen our hope through trust. And the second piece, being certain of what we do not see. Being certain is believing with no doubt. A personal relationship with Jesus allows certainty because your experience provides assurance. Even though society would say "seeing is believing, it is not in sight that we believe when it comes to faith. I think it's a quote from The Santa Clause that turns this common phrase around to "believing is seeing". I believe this phrase holds true in our walk with Jesus. Once you believe a thing about God, it is amazing how often you see it. For instance, when you recognize that coincidence isn't coincidence at all, but rather God's hand in the details, you notice His detail work all of the time.

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