Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

As I read the story of Esther, I am struck at how this book shows the preparation and planning that goes into her life and the life of Mordecai. Every little detail is brought back around in perfect timing. Today as I read, I was thinking about how God is continually planning and preparing my life for the day(s) ahead. Every detail has purpose, I just don't know which ones He will use. Is it the conversation I had today and was it actually foretelling what is coming in my job? Is it the kid who had a rough time, but requested to "be with Mrs. Coffey"? Or maybe it was the fact that I wasn't feeling great today and was still at work. Maybe it's not work related at all, maybe it's about the jam session happening in my basement as I type this blog. It's so fun when you start to look at your life with Kingdom Eyes. The possibilities with God are endless. I feel like at least once a week, I can identify where God has been planning and preparing something for me. It is wonderful to know I am so carefully cared for. I am filled with anticipation as I think about how God works everything in His timing. What will He use and what will I see next?

As I read the story of Esther, I am struck at how this book shows the preparation and planning that goes into her life and the life of Mordecai. Every little detail is brought back around in perfect timing. Today as I read, I was thinking about how God is continually planning and preparing my life for the day(s) ahead. Every detail has purpose, I just don't know which ones He will use. Is it the conversation I had today and was it actually foretelling what is coming in my job? Is it the kid who had a rough time, but requested to "be with Mrs. Coffey"? Or maybe it was the fact that I wasn't feeling great today and was still at work. Maybe it's not work related at all, maybe it's about the jam session happening in my basement as I type this blog. It's so fun when you start to look at your life with Kingdom Eyes. The possibilities with God are endless. I feel like at least once a week, I can identify where God has been planning and preparing something for me. It is wonderful to know I am so carefully cared for. I am filled with anticipation as I think about how God works everything in His timing. What will He use and what will I see next?
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