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It's Here!

 It's here! My daily devotional A Deeper Presence has been printed. The first 250 copies have sold out already! Another order has been placed and the book is available for order online through Book Baby. I'll be posting that link as soon as it is live online. Let me know if you'd like a copy!
Recent posts

Coming Soon!

My Daily Devotional Book is almost ready for print! It is in the final stages of proofing. I'll be posting here about it. The main thing to note is that even though it is curated from my blog posts, it is different than my blog. I have revised many of the days and I'm excited to get it out there in print! Thanks for following along on the journey!

New Blog Site

In case you are unaware, I have been blogging on a new blogger site since 2016.  Please click the "Seek316" link below to take a look! My apologies for not posting this on this blog site sooner. Seek316

Thank You

My year is complete.  I will not be posting any new Daily Devotionals.  However, I may post some updates on what is coming next for me as a writing project.  I will leave the site up for you if, you're just starting or just wanting to reread.  I am grateful to all of you who have read and journeyed with me this year.  God has been good in the midst of trial and joy.  I pray the best for you in 2015.  Thank you for reading!

A New Perspective

Philemon 6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. I would say this is my prayer for all of you.  I have learned so many good things through posting this year by actively sharing my faith.  There are so many ways for us to share our faith.  Some of them are very visible, like pastoring or teaching or even blogging.  Others are quietly beautiful like walking alongside of a hurting friend or praying for someone.  Any way you choose to share your faith is sure to grow you.  I am always amazed at how the Spirit prompts and what happens inside after I've moved.  My perspective changes and I am able to see where God is at work in the midst of all things, from the happy to the tragic.  Jesus is bigger than my circumstances.  I have come a long way on my journey with Jesus, but I have so much more to learn.  God is moving and I am excited to be a par...

Listen and Respond

Colossians 4:17 Tell Archippus: "See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." This verse struck me today as I come to a close of a year of daily devotional writing.  (I realize there is one day left.)  It is amazing how much you learn by doing what God asks.  I am still unsure as to why I was supposed to write these devotionals and post them for the world to see.  It has been quite the experience overall.  I feel that I have grown closer to God and spent time with Him in ways I hadn't before.  I encourage you to listen to how God may be prompting you.  It may be a conversation or word you are supposed to have or say to someone.  It may be a letter you need to write.  It may be your presence at an event.  It may be to read your Bible daily.  All and any of those things are important when you are prompted by the Spirit.  I guarantee, it is worth it to listen and follow through.  God is amazing throu...

The Heart of Jesus

John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. I have had a difficult time finding a single verse today.  I have been all over my Bible, reading and thinking.  I'm settling on this verse, mostly because it is closely related to one of my favorite verses.  I sometimes get caught up in thinking I need to do certain things to grow in my faith.  These things are not inherently bad, nor are they necessarily good.  Two big stumbling blocks for me are fasting and tithing.  I find myself getting hooked into the religious value of them rather than the relational value.  I find that spending time with God gives me a clearer picture of my own motives for wanting to do these things.  I find that I usually feel the need to fast when I'm feeling poorly about my body image.  I find that wanting to tithe usually comes after reading verses in the Old Testament about God blessing Israel for its offerings.  Both of these are mot...